First of all, i wanna congrats everyone from 2e3.
We all promoted to sec 3 express,
We did a great job,
We make ms.tan proud,
ms.tan & ms.lim treated us pizzas,
ms.tan showed a powerpoint sildes of us,
the song of the ppt,
it is so touching,
We cried,
all the girls cried,
i controlled my tears while i was watching,
afi, our responsible v-chairman, wrote a farewell letter for each one of us,
I cried after i read it,
but I didnt cry in the classroom,
Then,cym,our lovely chairman, made a video for us too,
Its so touching,
Arhh, the song from that video,
I was feeling so down yesterday,
My friends chat & talk to me while im feeling down,
Thank you guys,
You guys are always welcome to chat or talk to me
whenever you need someone to talk to,
Labels: I was smiling but it wasnt real