Had fun @ sch today too.... haha....PE[*wink*] ran 2 rounds & played mini-tennis. Digi-Art- jas & i changed our shoeslaces, learnt about excel. EL-spelling test. RECESS. MTL. LIBRARY checked my attire, shoeslaces everything before i went to library. She start scolding, '2e3, plz take ur own sweet time to come' in scarstic way.... Some of my classmates had to pay $0.50 cuz they didnt wear the sch pedge.... Went in to the library, wrote down all the important things wat she said. Library period was full of insulting, torturing & jokes....
EL again. Lit- had fun with ashari & yanmin.... Ashari very funny sial. Haha =].... TP....
Walked to bus stop wit yanmin & ja-na.... Saw biyu,jinming,paolo,cheehou & *ahem* ;]....
51-ed with them. Ja-na & yanmin alighted at 2 stops earlier than me. I alighted at the library bus stop cuz i need to buy something but i couldnt find it. So, i walked to je mrt. Saw jinming, paolo & biyu again....Took mrt.... =]
During TP, ramdhan, ashari & afi were talking to me in malay as if like i understand.... They kno tat i m not expert at malay .Somemore, they were using very diffcult words.... I was like WTH.... I was scolding & scolding, then amin looked at me like is she gone crazy????....
They all very funny sial.... They like to make ppl confused. They themselves say tat they love to make ppl confused.... :O So BAD....
Tat's all for today....
Kah yong,i added 1 more heart for you alr.... HAPPY now???? You go check @ Escape....